So, I laid back, got the cold goo slathered on my big ole belly, and got to see Baby Burrito wiggling around. What a sight?! I have been feeling the baby move around a lot lately, so it was even more exciting to actually witness it. This kid moves around, A LOT. The first things we saw were the feet and hands (see below):
I know I'm biased, but aren't those the cutest feet and hands you've ever seen?! :)
And then, we got the news we had suspected all along. The nurse said, "Do you want to know what you're having?" Which of course we said "yes" to (we may have actually yelled at her rather than merely responding, but who's judging!) She pointed to the screen and said, "there's the legs, and there's his penis and scrotum." Sooooo....WE'RE HAVING A BOY!!!
The sad part is that I had to ask Kurt later what the heck "scrotum" is. Really?? How am I going to be the mother of a boy not knowing what "scrotum" is?! Ha!!
This series of pictures might be favorite - the second one in particular is so clear, and I'm so in love with his little face!!
And then, we got another fabulous surprise when she pulled out another "wand" for the ultrasound - we got to have one of those incredible 4D ultrasounds that I've always heard about. It is absolutely unbelievable how clear you can see this sweet baby boy in the pictures. I hope it comes out as clear on screen as they do in person.
It looks like he's sucking his thumb...and I think he looks quite cozy in my belly. I hope not too cozy 'cause I simply CANNOT WAIT for him to come out and play with me!!
So week 20 was most definitely the most exciting part of this pregnancy so far! We are beyond thrilled to be having a baby; but now knowing that it's a boy is even more joyous. There aren't many boys on my side of the family, and Lord knows poor Kurt needs some more testosterone in his life. I hope this baby looks like Kurt - he'll be so handsome. Quite the ladies' man :)
Just for the sake of posting more embarrassing stuff about myself, here's the latest picture of my belly. Seriously, I don't know how many more I'll want to take - I think they get increasingly uglier and uglier. But it's all good - this family (me, Kurt and Rosie) is already so in love with Burrito we can hardly stand it!