Probably not. Considering it has been over 2 1/2 months since I last posted. We have been insanely busy around here, and unfortunately, me taking time to blog took a back seat to most everything else. Trust me - every single night I have wanted to sit down and catch up with everyone, but I couldn't quite get motivated. Instead, I would just read everyone else's blogs and cherish the few quiet moments I had learning about what is going on with everyone else!! However, Kurt has been BEGGING me to update this sucker, and there has been so much that has happened since the end of last semester; so without further ado, here are some quick highlights of what's been happening in the Thomas household since mid-December:
(1) We did the whole 4 Christmases thing this year
(yea, it's almost April and I'm just now blogging about Christmas...don't judge) - we drove to Nashville to do Christmas with my mom first, then my dad; flew to Albuquerque and did actual Christmas Day with Kurt's mom; then came back to Nashville where we met up with Kurt's dad on his way back from Knoxville to New Mexico. It was SO great to see each one of our parents!
(2) I started my full-time student teaching internship in January. I am teaching at the Hoover High School Freshman Campus, and it is AMAZING. I absolutely love it. But, because of it being full-time, and it being unpaid, we had to find something affordable (read: as cheap as humanly possible) to do with Knox. Kurt's amazing mom offered for him to spend a month with her in Colorado, so I took him out there in January. Kurt and I thought we'd have all this time to do stuff together that we had been wanting to do (stupid things like seeing a movie), and we never once did. Instead, we just missed our little man SO much, and we were SO happy when he came home February 12th. Kurt's mom then stayed with us for another month until my Spring Break week. Knox is now attending KinderCare for 4 weeks until I am finished with student teaching. Of course, after only his first 3 days, he came down with a WICKED flu, so we haven't left the house since Wednesday. Poor little guy has been miserable with fevers as high as 104.7, congestion, cough, etc. We've not slept much lately ;)
(3) While Knox was spending his month in Colorado, he went from a super-duper fast crawling baby to a FULL-STEAM AHEAD RUNNING LITTLE BOY! Can you believe that I took him all the way out there, and not one week into it, he took his first steps?! I HATE that I missed that milestone! But, it has been so fun watching him walk/run around everywhere. He is so busy and adventurous. I absolutely love his little personality and spirit! And it has made playing with other kids that much more fun!! As soon as my internship is over, I can't wait to meet up with friends again for the kiddos to play (talking to you Miss Evelyn Elkins!!) :)
(4) Kurt's wonderful Nanni (Marion Ponder Thomas) went to be with the Lord in January. This was definitely not a "highlight" of the past few months; but it was a great weekend celebrating her life with all of Kurt's family, including his dad, Anita, and Clay who all flew in from New Mexico, and of course, Knox's Godfather, Uncle David who we don't get to see often enough. She was one loved woman who is missed every single day, and we are so thankful that she didn't have to suffer long. Selfishly, her death happened too fast (don't they all?), but she is now whole, healthy, and free in Heaven...and reunited with her husband. What an amazing image and beautiful hope?!
(5) Kurt's track season is in full swing as well. Indoor season always seems to fly by, and they have already started their outdoor season. His girls are doing great so far! And Knox has gotten to attend a few practices where he has perfected his block starts (he gets down, you say "on your mark, get set, go!", and he immediately stands up and claps instead of runs - hysterical!). (
6) And of course, we found out some of the most amazing news back in December. We're expecting another baby around August 11, 2011! This pregnancy has been SO different than Knox's, and because I was SO sick for SO long, I thought for sure I was having a Baby Girl. No joke - I had my nursery picked out and my top 3 baby girl names. I was SHOCKED when the ultrasound tech showed us a little
youknowhat on the monitor - sure enough, another BOY! I am thrilled. I always knew I'd be a mom to boys!
I'm sure I'm forgetting much, much more; but I'll spare you my words and just show you some of my favorite pictures from the past few months (I have NOT been good about taking pictures lately either...there are far more on my cellphone!). And as soon as I get some ultrasound pictures scanned into my computer, I'll be sure to update with those as well.